Call Dr. Steven D. Cohen Today to Schedule an Appointment

200 Vesey Street , 24th Floor ,New York, NY 10281 *located in BROOKFIELD PLACE,
(At the AMEX security desk, on the balcony above the WInter Garden)
375 South End Ave. Ground Floor, North Suite New York, NY 10280
*corner of Liberty & South End Ave. just outside WFC1 & WFC2

Functional Nutrition

What is Functional Nutrition?
Functional nutrition/medicine is a holistic, supportive, and patient centered approach to healthcare. It is also a science based approach to healing that incorporates a very detailed history, examining the body, and assessing laboratory tests. We consider the connectedness of interactions that occur along nutritional, digestive, detoxification, energy metabolism, hormonal, structural, and immune/inflammatory pathways. Functional nutrition has a different approach to health care in that we look at the “root” cause of disease NOT a set of symptoms. Functional nutrition address current diseases that you are experiencing as well as assessing your risk for developing certain health conditions or chronic diseases down the road.

Blood chemistry tests are one component to functional nutrition. There are two types of ranges that are addressed in the field of blood chemistry analysis: a pathological range and a functional range

  • Functional range – used to assess the risk of disease before the disease develops
  • Pathological range – used to diagnose a disease.

By assessing blood levels on the functional range, practitioners can see the imbalances and address them before they attribute to more complex health condition(s) such as thyroid dysfunction, blood sugar deregulation, and leaky gut to name a few.

Several factors can change blood chemistry and have an effect on how we feel:

  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Compromised detoxifications
  • Intestinal pathogens
  • Medication interactions
  • Food allergies
  • Heavy metals
  • Environmental toxins (buildings, molds, fumes, etc)
  • Structural imbalances

By removing the underlying causes the body can restore to normal function. Functional nutrition involves a complete understanding of the origin, prevention, and treatment of chronic and other conditions.

In today's world most everyone needs to detoxify and give their body a break. Depending on what each of us have been exposed to, old buildings, construction sites, or city living we are constantly bombarded with chemicals and toxins that burden our body's natural detoxification. If you were exposed to the toxic dust that was surrounding the area post 911 and are still exhibiting symptoms, you may benefit from a functional nutrition approach.

Our bodies are able to counteract, neutralize and remove a certain amount of toxins; however, when we ingest and inhale more than the body can handle, toxicity occurs. As a result, our bodies undergo excessive oxidative stress, which in turn damages DNA and can lead to a multitude of health problems that can manifest as neurological changes, digestive changes, hormonal changes, inflammatory conditions, etc.

With a combination of removing inflammatory agents/food intolerances, adding supplements that aid in detoxification, and adding whole foods and nutrients, you are able to get back to your optimal state of health and wellness.

If you would like more information or would like to schedule an appointment with Dr Jaclyn Amaro please call us at (646) 590-2787 or email [email protected]

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3:30 pm-7:30 pm


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3:30 pm-7:30 pm


11:30 am-2:30 pm

3:30 pm-7:30 pm


11:30 am-2:30 pm

3:30 pm-7:30 pm


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